Thursday, 31 January 2008

As Nature Intended – What’s that all about?

Dylan: It’s about guided, all-inclusive, fun holidays - watching wildlife.

Ian (yawning): Come on, loads of companies do all that wildlife malarkey! What makes us different?

Dylan: Well, we believe that everybody is wild at heart. We’re all about wild places; wild creatures; and the freedom of wide horizons that we all crave, no matter how urban or frantic our daily lives. Encountering whales and dolphins at sea is an exhilarating way for anyone to reconnect with their natural world!

Ian: Now that really does sound different.

Dylan: And we keep our impact on the planet to a minimum by eating local produce, staying in eco-friendly accommodation, funding conservation projects, and maintaining carbon-neutrality. With us, no-one has to worry about their environmental footprint. How about that?!

Ian: Sounds positively saintly matey - I can see your halo from here. But do people honestly want to be worrying about being green when they’re on holiday?

Dylan: With well-being at the heart of our holidays, our guests won’t be worrying about anything! They’ll be breathing sea air, strolling on the beach, and soaking up spa treatments in beautiful places. A taste of all of the sumptuous delights we’ve got in store can be found at

Ian: That sounds like a recipe good enough to make Nigella Lawson faint! I love it!

Splash out with whales and dolphins with As Nature Intended
So, you get the idea that it’s all about hols that specialise in close encounters with wild whales & dolphins. But with a twist. We recognise that we really need beautiful and wild places, because for most of us, on most days, we just don’t see those things around us. Yet we need to. We need to have a bit of Eden in our hearts and, sometimes, all around us - to remind ourselves what it feels like to be properly human.

And why whales and dolphins? Because being up-close with them reminds us that the planet hasn’t gone crazy; that creatures so big can still exist in our shrinking world; that something as life-affirming as a dolphin can still leap joyously; and that the wild won’t disappear if we don’t let it.

So, with us – Dylan Walker and myself – you’ll be in the company of two enthusiasts with over 25 year’s experience of operating top-class holidays. Dylan worked with Ian as a guide many years ago and then went off to set up the very successful Company of Whales, running whaley trips across the Bay of Biscay. He’s the author of numerous books on whales & dolphins, and a co-founder of whale & dolphin charity Organisation Cetacea. In short, he’s the man. Ian is the wildlife man who co-founded Scottish business Speyside Wildlife (well-travelled, expert, in touch with his feminine side etc – hey just visit !). We’ve plans to make the new company really special in the coming years, whilst continuing to run a few trips for both of our old companies as well.

As you’ll have read, on As Nature Intended trips we try to run planet-friendly holidays. Travel with us and you don’t have to worry about your environmental footprint. In fact, you won’t be doing any worrying at all, because you’ll be on the sand, or on the sea, or sitting around a beach camp fire, or gazing at the stars, or unwinding every muscle in a spa. And always having the time to reflect on how good life can be.

Come and join us.


maria said...

Hey guys, at last... we get to see what you've been up to!!!

I am captivated, awe-inspired and completedly humbled by what you are creating.

To bring these wonderous creatures and images of our beautiful planet is indeed a precious gift for us all.

My heartfelt thanks to you both for having the courage and conviction to 'make it happen', rest assured I will be a regular visitor to your blog and website.

Dolphin sister,
maria x x

davidearlgray said...

Hi Dylan, good to see you have started a blog on your new wildlife trips!
Hopefully I will be joining you on one of your trip to California in the near future?
Also here is a plug for my blog avez-vous un cuppa?(
Its about my rants and raves of the birding world,daily life and the odd cup of tea!
Cheers mate,